About Us

For identifying a company for long term investment, it is very important to understand few factors like the future prospects of the sector in which the company operates, the geographical presence of the company, its revenue mix, the financial health of the company, the profitability of the company and finally the valuation of the company. Though this data is available in public domain, it is usually a tedious task to compile it in a comprehensible manner. With the aim to help retail investor to judge whether it is right to invest in a given stock at the given price point, my blog provides a not only a detailed fundamental analysis report on companies but also includes the Intrinsic Value of Stocks using Discounted Cash Flow method. Value investing methodology uses these metrics to gauge whether at current market price a company is overvalued or undervalued. An undervalued stock is a good opportunity for long term investment.

This site contains the research work of

Jibu Dharmapalan
SEBI Registered Research Analyst
Registration No. INH000014678
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